
The Imp of the Perverse

So I found myself going on a small weekend trip, and at the last moment, I decided that instead of taking my normal, powerful, full-featured 10-year-old laptop, I would take my smol, underpowered 10-year-old laptop. This amounts to a choice limit my computing activity to writing, email, and Gemini/Gopher over the weekend. Can't screen a movie if the kids get bored. Can't work on the Android project that I now realize I have a little bit of time to work on for once.

Oh well; I suppose I may have to throw that one on the SOFA pile. Perhaps (probably) to be picked up another time, but definitely not this weekind.

In other news, I'm trying out FluffyChat instead of SchildeChat on my phone, since ~tkalgaard recommended it. No Matrix on my smol laptop for now, because I am too tired to install the prerequisites for pantalaimon on it, and therefore ement.el.

After I send off this note, I'm going to sit down with a volume of Ligotti short stories and a wee dram of Laphroaig, and revel in not being able to work on anything.